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- 016. Brain Training Games: Do They Boost Brainpower or Just Your Screen Time?
016. Brain Training Games: Do They Boost Brainpower or Just Your Screen Time?
This week, I'm pulling back the curtain on Brain Training Games and do they really work?

Brain Training Games: Do They Boost Brainpower or Just Your Screen Time? 🎮
Welcome back to my 12th brain-busting issue in my manager myth series, where I sift through manager myths like a neuroscientist examining neurons. Last week I dug into the wonder that is neurogenesis, and boy, did that ruffle some dendrites! This week, I’m pulling back the curtain on Brain Training Games. Yep, I’m tackling the billion-dollar question: do these games actually boost your brainpower or just your screen time?
The Role Brain Training Can Play 🎯
1. Personal Development
Brain games promise to sharpen various cognitive skills—everything from memory to problem-solving. As managers, cultivating these skills could turn you into a decision-making ninja.
Tip: Add a quick 5-minute brain game session in your daily stand-up meetings. May the best brain win!
2. Innovation
Brain training games can be a sandbox for creativity. The more you play, the more divergent your thinking may become.
Activity: Run a 'Brain-Game-a-thon.' Employees can showcase the most innovative ways they've used brain training games to solve real-world problems.
3. Engagement
These games aren't just for lone wolves. They can serve as excellent team-building activities, fueling engagement like caffeine to a programmer.
Tip: Incorporate multi-player brain games in your team-building arsenal. Watch as your team becomes more engaged—and maybe a little competitive!
Red Flags
🚩 1. Short-Term Gains
While you may feel smarter right after playing, the long-term cognitive benefits are still a study in progress. The research looks promising but not all games are created equal. Stay tuned.
🚩2. The One-Track Mind
Don't let these games narrow your focus. A well-rounded intellect comes from a variety of experiences, not just screen time.
🚩3. Overconfidence
Winning a virtual game doesn't mean you're prepared for real-world challenges. Don't let it inflate your ego—no one likes a smarty-pants!
Lightbulb Moments 💡
1. "I'm More Focused!"
Many claim that brain games have improved their concentration levels.
Activity: Run a 'Focus Hour' in the office where employees can pick a brain game and note any improvement in their concentration afterward.
2. "I'm More Collaborative!"
Brain games often require strategic thinking, which can transfer to more effective teamwork.
Tip: Use strategy-based brain games to improve project planning and team collaboration.
3. "I'm More Resilient to Challenges"
Gamifying challenges can prepare you for real-world curveballs.
Tip: During your next team retreat, use complex problem-solving brain games to simulate workplace challenges. Discuss strategies after each game session.
What's Next? 🌟
Well, folks, keep those neurons charged, because next week I’m diving into a list of popular brain training games I’ve acquired through my own testing the recommendations of others.

Do You Have a Favorite Brain Game?
What effect or impact have you seen? Let me know and I’ll share them!
So, what's your scorecard on brain training games now? Whether a skeptic or a believer, the quest for cognitive supremacy continues! Game on! Keep those synapses firing, and see you next week! 🎉💡
Fasten your seatbelts folks, because on this week’s Geeks Geezers and Googlization Show we’re diving deep into the human brain to explore how to make every day your employees’ best day ever! Our guest is Neuroscience Trailblazer and Rockstar, Dr. Paul J. Zak. If you've ever wondered what makes this man tick, it's probably a fusion of neurons, whiteboards, and sheer brilliance. With over 200 published papers and a citation ranking in the top 0.3%, he's basically the LeBron James of neuroscience. But that's not all! Paul is also the author of "Immersion: The Science of the Extraordinary and Source of Happiness.".
Watch LIVE on October 4 at 1:00 PM EDT
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